
Simmons & Simmons

Citypoint, 1 Ropemaker Street, London, EC2Y 9SS 

To find contact details for each of our offices worldwide, please visit this page.

Getting in touch

If you're an artist
If you’re an artist working within one of the communities in which we have an office, we’d love to hear from you. You can email us here.

If you're a client
Private tours of the art collection can be arranged in many of our offices for Simmons' clients. If you're interested in a tour for yourself or your colleagues, please get in touch with your regular contact at the firm.

If you work for a community, charity or educational organisation, or arts institution

We are actively interested in ways to share our collection with the wider community, particularly where this contributes to our goals around improving social mobility and access to art for underrepresented groups. If you work for a charity, educational body or community group and would like to discuss ways we could work together, please email us.

We are happy to support exhibitions by lending works from our collection. Please email us if you are interested in borrowing a work for an exhibition.